Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 4 — Turning back

Two senior Malaysian military officials say missing jet flew for an hour off its flight course and at a lower altitude after disappearing from civil aviation radar. The military had received signals from the plane near Pulau Perak island at 2:40 am.They look further into the possibility that the airplane turned back after flying over Kota Bharu on Malaysia's northeast coast. It's explaining why Malaysia expanded search area to include Strait of Malacca two days earlier.

Interpol identifies two Iranian men as the passengers traveling on stolen passports: Pouria Nourmohammadi (18), and Seyed Mohammed Reza Delavar (29). The two men swapped their passports in Kuala Lumpur, using stolen Italian and Austrian passports to board the airline. A friend of the two men said they were intending to migrate to Europe, but there has been no confirmation from officials on this yet.

Photos and videos emerge of a Malaysia Airlines co-pilot identified as first officer Fariq Ab Hamid entertaining woman inside the cockpit during a previous flight. The airline says it is "shocked" by the allegations and has not been able to confirm validity of the claims.

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